Day 22 - Lost in the Fitness Adventure (Hunkiana Jones) 🎬
“Confidence and Competence must Coexist to Conquer our Fears, then evolve into Greatness” Health Hunk
Kicking off with one of my favourite Movie Morning’s, on an adventure, none like ever before; to seek the mystery for why we struggle to get fit.
Join Hunkiana, on a journey of discovery, while joining in on a Functional HIIT routine, inspired by the Animals that grace the Lost Lands of the Temple.
Many explorers complain to me about their soreness after a workout or two in the week. Well, Hunkiana says keep on, keeping on!
It’s totally normal to experience something we call DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) in the Fitness Realm.
Good news has it, that adventurous, temple trekking, hard working bods like yours, over time will become more accustomed to the type of exercise (such as High-Intensity routines) you continuously throw at it.
Something I hear in the Adventure Inns all the time,
“So Hunkiana, should I workout through DOMS?”
From years of coaching and training on my journey, I’d generally recommend that as long as your movement isn’t compromised or you’re in a minor niggly discomfort, rather than pain; journey on! The World needs you out there, as your best self, to lead to the way for others in your Discoveries.
In my early journey to fitness, I made many mistakes, which this course helps alleviate and shortcut you to quicker victory, though there’s only so much “knowing” you need.
Hunkiana uncovers that very issue we all suffer when it comes to feeling “good enough” for fitness.
We either want to know it all, or feel it all. To be competent or confident at what we do.
Well, stop right there! That might be your first issue?
They must CO-EXIST!
Get Hunkiana’s Mindset, and Practical Hacks to Feel Competent, and the 3R’s to Rebooting your Confidence with Fitness. Are you itching to find out?
The Famed Indiana Jones would tell you;
“If you wanna be a good archeologist, you gotta get out of the library!”
So now you know the drill, let’s quit information overload and get you out onto this Movey Morning adventure to find out those Hunkiana Secrets!